Diary [April 10, 2020]
Its been 18th day of the extended lockdown in Nepal, it is critical for preventing us form COVID-19 thus it has been imposed by Nepal Government and many other countries globally. As I have been working from home from day 1 to date. We have weekly virtual [zoom] meeting and almost daily conference call or zoom meeting among the the research team. We have been working on the data analysis, due reports as well as developing new possible research projects.
As a public health professional, I am taking this lockdown very seriously and I discourse any member going out of the gate. As a responsible citizens we can do help the government not spread the virus by staying at home. Prevention is always better, less costly and less painful than cure. Therefore, I have not gone out for searching food or milk. We have some stocked food at home, while we can harvest some green vegetables almost everyday form our small garden. We can also eat limited menu, some preserved items and clear the refrigerator.
This lockdown has given me more time to help in the kitchen, I have worked more in the garden as well, I did a lot of weeding of the unwanted grasses, manuring, arranging pebbles/stones to make small paths around the garden. It has given more time and opportunity to work in other household chores. In terms of family time, we do morning exercise or yoga/meditation, cook together, watch movies or documentaries together.
Furthermore, I am very active in social media, so, I keep me updated with any development of COVID-19, latest data and news reports that are needed for our own internal work. I am keeping track of Nepal's actions along with the support from EDPs. I am also writing and sharing some useful tips and news that help people to stay strong and be aware of possible spread of COVID-19.
In addition, I have designed and conducted an online survey how people are spending their time at home, if they are using it productively or not. This also will give me an account of people who have access to Internet, who uses computers and also have some time to respond my survey besides their work or other responsibilities.
This is true that we have no options other than staying at home. It is also critical to be not CovidIdot, so we better stay at home and do not go out unless it is really an emergency!
In fact, hope is important in our life, so we stay strong and positive. We have to be prepared for the worst but with a hope of best to happen.
Stay inside home and do not panic but take it seriously!
Here is the link of the survey:
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