Welcome, Namaste, Lhasso, Fyafulla, Tashi Delek and Aloha !!!! This is my personal blog (including professional work, travel and family). I have witnessed many amazing and life-affirming moments, and I want to share a few of my favorites from early days to date randomly. Let us make this world a better place to live a happy, satisfied and dignified life. I appreciate your comments and feedback as and when necessary! Good day ! Suresh Tamang, PhD (Nepal)
Saturday, October 30, 2021
My childhood Memories: Pumpkin Ghost [Jack-o'-lantern]
It was probably around late-1980s. I was born and raised in Eastern hills of Nepal. My hometown, Tumlingtar was/is a popular trekking route and the gateway to Mt. Makalu and Mt. Everest via. Salpa pass. Many trekkers and summiteers used to travel around and trek to the mountains. Some used to fly from Kathmandu to Tumlngtar, while others used to trek via Dharan, Dhankuta, Hile for several days. They used to have small to large campsites in and around Tumlingtar airport and surrounding villages including ours. I was perhaps a middle school kid but a proactive and extrovert boy. I used to introduce/talk to the unknown foreigners, to practice my English language conversation skills. I had met many British, German, American, French and Italian visitors. I do not remember who the person was, but s/he must be an American tourist who later sent me a special gift. I had no idea when s/he got my address but might have noted it during our conversation. An Italian gentleman [Michele] sent me the photo with him and some other gifts.
One day, I unexpectedly got a heavy packet of books by post. It was the collection of 12 volumes of National Geographic Magazine [colorful, English]. I was more than happy. I randomly reviewed them, flipped several pages; and perhaps I read some sections, but specially viewed the images of the nature, plants, and animals of the world. But, I think I saw a photo of a carved pumpkin like a ghost in one of the volumes, perhaps it was about the Halloween day [festival] and the Jack-o'-lantern. I was a curious and a fast learner since my childhood.
Tumlingtar is the part of the deepest Arun valley. In Tumlingtar, we used to grow plenty of pumpkins, other tropical fruits, and vegetables. I tried to imitate the pumpkins as portrayed in the magazine. I cut off the head of the pumpkin, cut out the seeds and stuff from inside, and made the scary eyes, a nose, and large teeth. One evening, on a dark night, during this time of the year, I kept the carved pumpkin with a candle inside by the corn field near my house along the small path that connects other houses in my village. Eventually, someone screamed, and she was our aunty who was so scared of the ghost-like image inside the corn field. She ran towards our house! Ultimately, I had to disclose that I was the one who created that ghost! I still feel sorry about the mischief! I love to meet again and thank to the generous mountaineers/trekkers !
Happy Halloween!
वाल्यकालको सम्झनाः फर्सिको भूत
यो कुरा १९९० कै दशकको हो । म सायद ६, ७ कक्षा मै पढ्थे होला । म पूर्वी नेपालको अरुण उपत्याकामा जन्मेको मान्छे । मेरो गाउँ तुम्लिङ्गटार । तर वच्चा देखि नै म अलि चतुर र जिज्ञासु भने थिएँ । उसबेलामा विदेशी पदयात्री, पर्यटक र मकालु र साल्पापास भएर सगरमाथा हिमाल आरोहीहरुको ओइरो लाग्थ्यो । काठमाण्डौंबाट तुम्लिङ्गटार उडेर वा धरान धनकुटाबाट हिँडेर बर्षेनी पर्यटकहरु आउँथे । कसैले तुम्लिङ्गटार एयरपोर्ट र कतिले वरिपरिका गाउँमा तम्बु टाँगेर रात बिताउँथे । म उनीहरुसँग सकि नसकि अँग्रेजी बोल्ने प्रयास गर्थे । मैले धेरै वेलायती, जर्मन, अमेरिकी, फ्रान्सेली र इटालियन नागरिकहरुसँग कुरा गरेको थिएँ । अर्का एक इटालियन नागरिकले उहाँसँगको फोटो र केहि उपहार पठाएका थिए । शायद कुनै अमेरिकी पर्यटकले मेरो नाम ठेगाना लगेछन् । पछि हुलाक मार्फत एक ठूलो खाम आयो । जसमा १२ वटा National Geographic Magazine का रँगीन किताबहरु थिए । म त दँग परेँ । मैले सबै पढिन र पढ्न सक्ने कुरा पनि भएन । तर कतै एउटा फर्सिको भूत (चित्र) भने देखेँ ।
नयाँ कुरा सिक्न म सारै उत्सुक भएँ । मेरो गाउँमा फर्सि धेरै फल्छ । एकदिन मैले फर्सिको भूत बनाउने विचार गरेँ । पाकेको राम्रो फर्सि काटेर डरलाग्दा आँखा, भयानक दाँरा र नाक पनि बनाएँ । एक साँझमा त्यसभित्र बत्ति बालेर घरनजिकै बारीमा राखेँ । एकछिन पछि त्यहि बाटो भएर आउने मान्छेले त्यो डरलाग्दो चिज देखेर चिच्याउन थाले । उहाँ हाम्रै काकी (माइली आमा) रहिछन् । उहाँ हाम्रो घरतिर हुत्तिएर आउनुभयो र त्यो विचित्रको बस्तुबारे बताउनु भयो । अन्ततः त्यो भूत बनाउने बदमास म नै भएको पत्तो लाग्यो । अहिले पनि यो कुरा सम्झिँदा रमाइलो पनि लाग्छ तर काकीलाई तर्साएकोमा भने खेद छ ।
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दाङको गर्मी र रोल्पाको जाडो [डा. सुरेश तामाङ] DANG & ROLPA TRAVEL MEMORY
मध्ये वर्खाको समयको यात्रा खतरा भएता पनि रोमान्चक भयो । पश्चिम तराइको दाङ तथा रोल्पाको लागि हामी रवाना भयौं । एतिको विमानबाट भैरहवा ओर्लनासा...
It was probably around late-1980s. I was born and raised in Eastern hills of Nepal. My hometown, Tumlingtar was/is a popular trekking route ...
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Pef]sf8f]sf] klxnf] :jfbM e]8faf/Lsf kl08t / bfªsf rf}w/L a'af . @)%^ / %& ;fndf g]kfndf slkm v]ltsf] tTsfnLg cj:yf / ef...